Education in china is a state-run system of public education run by the Ministry of Education. There are nine years of compulsory education for all citizens. To provide for its population, China has a huge and varied school system. There are preschools, kindergartens, schools for the deaf and blind, primary schools, secondary schools, and various institutions of higher learning.
The government provides primary education for six years, starting at age six or seven, followed by six years of secondary education for ages 12 to 18. There are three years of middle school (junior high school) and three years of senior high school or vocational school. Tertiary education includes regular colleges and universities, professional colleges, and short-term vocational universities.
Primary education
Children usually entered primary school at seven years of age for six days a week which is changed five days now. The two-semester school year consisted of 9.5 months, and began on September 1 and March 1, with a summer vacation in July and August and a winter vacation in January and February. Under the Law on Nine-Year Compulsory Education, primary schools were to be tuition-free and parents paid a small fee per term for books and other expenses such as transportation, food, and heating.
Secondary education
Chinese secondary schools are called middle schools and are divided into junior and senior levels. The regular secondary-school year usually had two semesters, totaling nine months.
They are study Chinese, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, foreign language, history, geography, political science, music, fine arts, and physical education. Some middle schools also offered vocational subjects. There were thirty or thirty-one periods a week in addition to self-study and extracurricular activity.
Tertiary education
More people are getting a tertiary education in order to increase their employment opportunities.The two main tertiary education provider are the various universities and vocational and technical schools. The vocational and technical graduates were given priority in job assignments, while other job seekers had to take technical tests.Universities, colleges and institutes offer four- or five-year undergraduate programs as well as special two-or three-year programs. Students who have completed a first degree may apply to enter graduate schools.